Adventist school building and homes in the area have been destroyed.

Adventist school building and homes in the area have been destroyed.
Union College team helps U.S. town recover after extensive windstorm damage.
Adventist school makes it to the top for the third time since 2017.
It does not cure the disease but can improve the life quality of those affected, expert says.
In an unusual year, the Maranatha Volunteers International convention highlights resilience, commitment to mission.
Film highlights the peace, joy, and hope provided by God’s creation, Adventist scientist says.
Southern Asia-Pacific Division launches corporate Bible-reading project.
Guide magazine publishes a sharing issue, Death’s Doom, on the state of the dead that’s geared to early teens.
Former animist believers are thankful to be happy and free from the world of spirits.
Adventist ministry helps to connect mothers in Australia and New Zealand.
In Canada, satisfying the needs of residents opens new roads into a reluctant community.
Andrews alumni share their experiences in Lebanon following the August 4 explosion.
In Australia, more than a hundred meet to share practical tips and participate in discussions.
It has treated more than 21,500 people, 14,000 of those being prostate cancer patients.
Health-care institution keeps serving in an area hard hit by the pandemic.
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