In Zimbabwe, Adventist Youth provides relief to a family who lost all in a fire.

In Zimbabwe, Adventist Youth provides relief to a family who lost all in a fire.
In Brazil, Milena Morais’s example has thrilled and inspired her class.
Native school and Adventist congregation are partners in health initiative.
A new partnership seeks to support church-planting initiatives across the city of Tokyo.
Podcasting and Media Broadcast Ministry are among the latest options.
STORMCo’s young members and leaders go virtual to serve a town in need.
Experts discuss coronavirus’s current impact and trends across the state.
How a church member started a play-based project to share Jesus with his neighbors.
New Minister of Economic Affairs has been church treasurer and literature evangelist.
Rowena Moore managed the updating and publishing of the annual edition.
Evangelistic initiatives adapt and thrive across the island, even in the face of COVID-19.
ADRA is active in Romania, offering food, information, awareness, and counseling.
In Papua New Guinea, church leaders commit to develop the land “for the benefit of all.”
Adventists in North America share their experiences giving in a time of need.
Video conference discussion involved church leaders, advocates, and members.
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