Among the dead is a teacher of several students living in the Newbold community.

Among the dead is a teacher of several students living in the Newbold community.
Celebration included launch of the congregation’s website, a source of Adventist history.
Adventist Community Services and ADRA partner to help meet increasing demand.
How a young Australian is taking a charity challenge to the next level.
The hospitals adapt to the times by replacing waiting rooms and paperwork.
Money will assist church entities and organizations to keep providing critically-needed services.
European church leaders celebrate completion of MA program with online ceremony.
In Australia, a new home-church network attracts youth and non-Christians for a 4:00 p.m. service.
Eating more vegetables and fruits is one of the top strategies for dropping the extra pounds.
Bipolar ionization technology can neutralize the coronavirus, school officials say.
Now is the time, here and now, to grow together to the full stature of Christ.
In Colombia, indigenous families benefit from Adventist food distribution initiative.
On June 21, 2020, the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s North American Division issued the following statement after a full-page advertisement was published by a […]
Initiative helps members to learn more Bible texts, team leaders believe.
Every one of us can make a difference.
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