Yoana Sashova, 17, wrote life-of-faith lyrics to a well-known Billie Eilish hit tune.

Yoana Sashova, 17, wrote life-of-faith lyrics to a well-known Billie Eilish hit tune.
Adventist agency is supporting 42,000 people across Europe during the lockdown.
Escrito Está reaches an estimated 16 million homes between April and May 2020.
Live-streamed event offers recommendations to pastors and church leaders.
Special day brings attention to the plight of displaced people, leaders say.
Across the Southern Asia-Pacific region, viewers pray for God’s ongoing protection.
What is the best way of doing it? An expert weighs in.
As restrictions are eased, most members are still worshipping virtually, leaders reported.
Substantial reductions recommended, mostly in the headquarters in-house operations.
They said they found strength and connection in innovative learning experiences.
The school’s president said the two entities share values of service and social responsibility.
Baptismal Bible Study Guide seeks to connect young people with God’s story.
In Laos, a local church defeats bureaucracy and opposition against all the odds.
The U.S. Supreme Court’s decision today in Bostock v. Clayton, County, Georgia is a landmark decision with far-reaching consequences in the area of civil rights, […]
Donors make it possible for health-care institutions to provide lifesaving medical procedures.
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