“The Tent” participants say they enjoyed sharing Jesus with others.

“The Tent” participants say they enjoyed sharing Jesus with others.
AdventHealth University nurse anesthesia students offer their skills as frontline workers.
Funds will benefit hundreds of Jamaica’s Northern Caribbean University students.
People search online for answers. We must be the voice that answers back.
Simon Finfer has helped save thousands of patients thanks to his particular interest in sepsis.
First-of-its-kind treatment is expected to benefit specific cases, experts say.
Online survey delves into the mental, spiritual, and social wellbeing of members.
Move will benefit regions affected by the pandemic that lack government assistance.
Loma Linda University International Heart Institute is known for providing cutting-edge care.
The series is the second It Is Written online evangelistic initiative during the COVID-19 lockdown.
Administrators and leaders pray for struggling health-care institutions across the territory.
Adventist university leaders’ answer to a challenge during Floyd’s funeral service.
A member gets creative after COVID-19 forces leaders to cancel international event.
Pastor, evangelist served in churches and denominational service, and campaigned for Jesus around the world
On June 2, Terry Shaw, president and CEO of AdventHealth, the largest Seventh-day Adventist Health network in the United States, sent the following […]
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