ADRA initiative is also offering volunteer training and support across the country.

ADRA initiative is also offering volunteer training and support across the country.
An expert shares how to offer comfort during a potential crisis.
Strong winds caused destruction around both sides of the ministry headquarters.
Juan Prestol-Puesán, treasurer for the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists (GC), opened his 2020 Spring Meeting financial report by addressing current challenging economic […]
Despite being gravely affected by the coronavirus, Chinese Adventist members in the Philippines extend help where it is greatly needed
Church pastor takes up his member’s challenge to try something completely new.
An expert shares 6 easy-to-follow tips to help us face the current stressors.
Across the Inter-American Division region, literature evangelists share their challenges and hopes.
Across the Southern Asia-Pacific Division, the world church program is driven by youth.
He is credited with the development of Adventist theological education around the world.
Adventist schools across the region sustain substantial damage during the first week of April 2020.
“It’s the future of health care,” leaders said regarding a system focused on better outcomes.
COVID-19 crisis prompts Adventists to step up to connect with society.
Sheltering-in-place should not negatively affect your health if you follow this advice.
Seventh-day Adventists around the South Pacific are being urged to pray for the people of Vanuatu, which was pummelled by Tropical Cyclone Harold […]
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