Services in Papua New Guinea and other islands across the Pacific have been affected.

Services in Papua New Guinea and other islands across the Pacific have been affected.
Keila Sánchez is encouraging others, one mask donation at a time.
Keila Sánchez is encouraging others, one mask donation at a time.
Four thousand households with church members in need will benefit from the initiative.
Ministry leaders employ faith to continue serving their communities during COVID-19.
ADRA is behind an initiative seeking to assist frontline health-care workers and seniors.
Food needs for the underprivileged have multiplied since local businesses closed.
At Walfriede in Berlin, a pandemic crisis team goes the extra mile to meet the challenges.
Regional church moves to make the most of digital evangelism, online prayer sessions.
A COVID-19 expert breaks down what it means to be immunocompromised.
Adventists from all over the world are welcome to join the 2021 General Conference Session
Four theologians discuss these and other questions on Adventist Review’s Pivot Points series
A Seventh-day Adventist radio station in Mongolia recently won the National Best Children Content for Radio contest, hosted by the prime minister of […]
Mexico’s Montemorelos University reaches out to the cyber-community with messages of hope.
Adventist Review’s Pivot Points series interviews a panel of experts to find out.
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