Young leaders say they are willing to try new methods to share the good news with others.

Young leaders say they are willing to try new methods to share the good news with others.
He researched, lectured, and wrote on the Sabbath, Genesis, Daniel, and Revelation.
Leaders say they’ll discuss improvements to better support those in need of mental health treatment.
Annual evangelistic seminars have resulted in a total of 8,000 baptisms.
Sex hormone may be responsible, but no significant associations found with cheese and yogurt.
Inter-American Division church region initiative is making a big difference, leaders say.
Inter-European Division leaders affirm the longstanding Adventist position on the issue.
Hundreds attend grand opening and dedication ceremony of new offices in Roseville.
AdventHealth Global Missions trips help health-care professionals to grow, leaders say.
Almost 150 health ministries and professionals attend the four-day event.
Bible reading programs, branch Sabbath Schools prove successful, church leaders say.
The visit was an answer to prayer for a church leader falsely accused of corruption, leaders said.
Weniger Society recognizes Richard Hart for his passion for mission and service.
In a partnership between AdventHealth and It Is Written, the CREATION Life Study Guides feature eight Bible-based studies for achieving optimal health.
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