Annual training provides tips for serving, reaching others for Jesus.

Annual training provides tips for serving, reaching others for Jesus.
Events are part of a renewed focus on youth involvement in mission.
Church president secures pledges for change from Angola’s president and parliamentary speaker.
“Our mission as a church is to serve,” church leader in the territory says.
Inter-American Division church leaders affirm the group’s purpose in the church’s mission.
Caretakers tackle laborious clean-up tasks after third flood in seven years.
Ted Wilson meets the nation’s president, visits Adventist institutions across the country.
It shows changing diets would reduce greenhouse gases, land and water use.
AdventHealth initiative seeks to help fight distress and burnout among pastors.
As bushfires were looming, a local church opened to displaced people and their pets.
Seventh-day Adventists are being asked to pray and show Christ-like compassion as the new coronavirus claimed its first church member in China and […]
World church offering will fund projects in Fiji, Tonga, and Australia.
International Heart Institute launches Women’s Heart Health Clinic in Loma Linda.
Ted N. C. Wilson also joins 20,000 members in celebrating a church milestone.
Consumers are front and center in everything we do, says president/CEO Terry Shaw.
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