Amid ongoing aftershocks, members assist the displaced and hurting.

Amid ongoing aftershocks, members assist the displaced and hurting.
Adventist Church president Ted Wilson compares the school to Jacob’s ladder.
Michelle Hamilton advises that it helps to approach cancer from a wholistic standpoint.
Ted N. C. Wilson calls for God’s healing power as the Master Physician to be exhibited.
At Inter-American Division Health Summit, presenter calls church leaders to gather data before acting.
David Williams suggests increasing your potassium intake for an optimal diet.
Torben Bergland advised, Don’t pass spiritual judgment on those who commit suicide.
Remembering Kari
Only minor injuries reported after emergency services move quickly to save the building.
Washing hands is the most important thing you can do to prevent the spread, expert says.
Ted N. C. Wilson thanks church members for their loyalty and faithfulness.
Church volunteers from Australia fly to build, teach, and preach at Adventist facility.
Inter-America Division’s Health Summit calls everyone to actively promote healthy living.
Adventists in Ontario, Canada, open their first center of influence catering to a secular society.
Presentation at Inter-America Division Health Summit highlighted the dangers of sedentary living.
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