Volunteers of different ages join in calling people’s attention and offering guidance.

Volunteers of different ages join in calling people’s attention and offering guidance.
North American Division hosts second annual event at its regional headquarters.
The territory has been rattled by more than 1,200 earthquakes since December 28, 2019.
Adventist TV network is connecting across religious and geographic boundaries.
In two northeastern states, almost 10 percent of members sign up for outreach.
Members rebuilt church buildings and planted new congregations after the disaster.
Pacific edition of the magazine will be used in Papua New Guinea in May 2020.
Church members are being assisted psychologically as they face uprooting, depression.
Jenő Szigeti said every human being is a minority because everyone is unique.
Adventist institution resumes classes as volunteers assist in the restoration efforts.
How a local U.S. congregation reimagined its role in the community.
Health-care institution is increasing its footprint in the community and beyond.
Leaders keep working on logistics in case evacuation becomes necessary.
Personal life-changing stories about faith can help change people, leaders say.
Her life was characterized by resilience and compassion.
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