Adventists welcome decision, thank authorities, and praise God for the outcome.

Adventists welcome decision, thank authorities, and praise God for the outcome.
A powerful earthquake struck the country; churches and homes were severely damaged.
Trans-European Division women in ministry retreat foster dialogue, fellowship, and prayer.
The move is saving thousands while protecting the environment.
Support of the initiative is attracting the attention of local residents.
In Côte d’Ivoire, Adventist Church president calls regional delegates to live out their faith.
The case ruling is a response to a claim by an Adventist member who had been fined.
The school is joining efforts to curb hunger in the country and beyond.
Adventurers clubs are proving a successful tool for sharing the gospel.
Leaders are committed to inclusive education across the region.
Ginger Ketting-Weller returns to her mission roots as the eighth president of AIIAS.
In Montenegro, young literature evangelists are bringing people to church.
Maranatha volunteers share how flexibility in service resulted in a double blessing.
Inter-European Division president calls for focus on the essentials that unite the church.
Changes are expected to avoid duplication of roles, strengthen mission initiatives.
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