Measures result from regional uncertainty, decrease in tithes calculated in US dollars.

Measures result from regional uncertainty, decrease in tithes calculated in US dollars.
In Mongolia, Tusgal School goes through a major turnaround in just one year.
Church and community youngsters enjoy a month of value-based activities.
Painting encourages parents after their five-year-old daughter is abducted and killed.
Thousands are fasting and praying amid ongoing massive demonstrations, looting.
The initiative is not a retaliation against recent actions of the world church, NAD leaders say.
The church must share eternal truths in ways relevant to contemporary society, they said.
Some of the education leaders of the North American Division (NAD) were recently part of an assessment team that traveled to Malawi to […]
Research shows an Adventist lifestyle can significantly reduce the risk of cognitive decline.
Groups organize activities to promote a healthy lifestyle and other means of prevention.
The first of its kind in Australia, the facility seeks to improve diagnosis and treatment.
380 Adventist women meet for worship, witnessing, and sharing.
At year-end meetings, delegates and guests ask God to spare the lives of residents.
Several Adventist schools, churches, and campgrounds are under threat, leaders say.
Loma Linda nurse inducted into Donation Hall of Fame for record blood donations.
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