Rally in the streets of Santo Domingo is held under the theme “Created With a Purpose.”

Rally in the streets of Santo Domingo is held under the theme “Created With a Purpose.”
In both rural and inner-city communities, AdventHealth is helping to feed those in need.
In Cameroon, men are called to join forces beyond gender to build for the Lord.
The following release was received for distribution from ADRA International. ~ Editors Jonathan Duffy, president of the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) […]
Institution keeps faithful to its mission statement, “To make man whole through Christ’s love.”
Loma Linda University Health physician seeks to inform those who may not know the dangers.
The fifth annual congress draws more than 3,600 young people eager to serve.
Adventist Church supporting ministry reminisces and gives thanks as it moves boldly forward.
Dear Esteemed Brothers and Sisters in Burundi, Again, it is a privilege to share with you scriptural and Spirit of Prophecy encouragement since […]
September 18, 2019, marked the first day of school for six children of medical missionaries and local health-care professionals serving at Malamulo Adventist […]
How Maranatha Volunteers International is fortifying a strong educational tradition in the country.
Church members offer hot meals, prayers, and comfort to the bereaved.
In Australia, the prime minister singles out the Adventist Church for its work in the islands.
Participants reflect on the institutional motto, ‘Extending the healing ministry of Christ.’
In Kazakhstan, the pilot program helps young women get rid of complexes and thrive.
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