In Curaçao, English and Dutch Caribbean regions meet for ‘Cast Deeper’ joint congress.

In Curaçao, English and Dutch Caribbean regions meet for ‘Cast Deeper’ joint congress.
Leaders said they hope pastors and seminary students now have better tools to act.
Site includes improvements to help users develop fun and life-changing programs.
Donald Robinson served faithfully in Africa and the United States.
Government officials call participants to join the crusade against hate speech and illegal drugs.
12,000-square-foot center uses artificial intelligence to inform decision making.
Relief efforts are underway as church members go out to assist their neighbors.
In Ecuador, young Adventists find a creative method to start a new congregation.
As a next step, Paul Kagame promises support for a training hospital.
Revival for Mission explores ways in which Adventists serve around the world
Adventist Church president and regional church leaders remember first missionaries.
In Brazil, Living Water Project provides drinking water, medical care, and massages.
Schools and churches affected; leaders give thanks for love and support they are getting.
Southwestern Adventist University summer dig results in 2,300 bones unearthed.
Expert explains current trends and challenges for Adventist leaders in the 21st century.
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