In Myanmar, ADRA Canada is assisting people affected by ongoing internal conflicts.

In Myanmar, ADRA Canada is assisting people affected by ongoing internal conflicts.
Catastrophic storm deemed worst and largest in the nation’s history.
The milestone is the next step in the 122-year-old school’s journey to become a university.
Bible students will now be able to review study notes in the New International Version.
Hope 2019 ended with a massive ceremony in the country’s capital city.
Ceremony commemorates milestones through the years and looks to the future.
In Brazil, a successful healthy food option is showcased at international event.
Event is part of a plan to reach out to people with special needs, leaders said.
Brand-new facilities in Thailand will support Adventist TV ministry across the region.
A diverse group of Seventh-day Adventist medical experts, theologians, healthcare administrators and ethicists are currently engaged in an attempt to clarify the Church’s […]
In Serbia, ‘UNZIP Your True Self’ initiative is making inroads in a public university.
At ‘Chosen’ international camporee, NextGen event affirms those answering the call to ministry.
New nursing model could transform patient care in the U.S., experts say.
At Oshkosh, campers take part in 57 service efforts in surrounding communities.
Presentations at Inter-American Division ASi convention zero in on Jesus as the role model to follow.
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