Initiative is part of a broader plan to become more relevant to neighbors and society.

Initiative is part of a broader plan to become more relevant to neighbors and society.
The transformation of a tribe in Papua New Guinea began with a God-given dream.
Delegates are reminded how they can make a visible difference in the area of service.
Organization partners with Medical Aviation Services to reach isolated communities.
Growing MEND outpatient program moves to a larger location.
Regional ASi annual convention focuses on how to serve better to support God’s mission.
Initiative is driven by North American Division Adventist Muslim Friendship Association.
Event is considered the largest ever in the West-Central Africa church region.
Emphasis on Braille and Refugee Assistance foster youth interest in ‘the least of these.’
Adventist scientists honored for benefiting local community in Bolivia.
Event highlights potential of young, talented communicators working for the church.
In New Zealand, event seeks to inspire, equip, and empower mission-minded members.
Selected participants create signature dishes during this non-elimination competition.
Church leaders attend groundbreaking ceremony of a new educational corporation.
Clinicians recognized for providing exceptional, compassionate, whole-person care.
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