The facilities include a gym, a vegetarian restaurant, a playground, and a chapel.

The facilities include a gym, a vegetarian restaurant, a playground, and a chapel.
Volunteer-driven mobile clinic will travel across the nation to reach out to communities.
Adventists among the invited at the annual event.
Coronary artery conditions are still the leading cause of death in the United States.
Project bolsters focus on comprehensive outreach, leaders and volunteers say.
Church offices and institutions are closed; ADRA volunteers assisting relief efforts.
Attendees are encouraged to get involved in their churches and communities.
Global Leadership Summit makes the church’s health message practical.
The government has rejected faith as a criterion for hiring, leadership.
In Montego Bay, Adventist Church president kicks off an 11-day visit to the country.
The event is part of an effort to bolster the Adventist infrastructure on the island.
Tour provides assistance, encouragement, and helpful tips.
‘Feed My Sheep Kitchen’ has provided more than 15,000 meals.
Milestone is a boost for ‘Medical Laboratory Sciences Clinical Year’ program.
An animated series seeks to introduce Adventist fundamental beliefs to children.
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