Montemorelos group provided assistance, Bible studies in the local language, and church repairs.

Montemorelos group provided assistance, Bible studies in the local language, and church repairs.
Adventist Health Policy Association just opened an office in Washington, D.C.
Maranatha volunteers help rebuild a Florida church affected by a hurricane.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Ministries event marked by testimonies and thanksgiving for recent growth.
Theme “Stronger United: Many Voices, One Vision” Permeates Training and Networking Event
Adventist leaders believe the initiative will negatively affect religious freedom.
Adventist media outlet staff and family met in Okinawa, Japan.
Administrator served as pastor, secretary, union president, and health-care system vice-president.
Work among local teens is being celebrated, supported by the national government.
The 2019 J.P. Morgan event underscored the Adventist focus on wholeness.
Australian dad is one of the six fathers featured in inter-cultural documentary.
Members in the Burundian Army church now about 200.
Annual event will be broadcast online from Jamaica; world church leaders will attend.
Surgeon shortlisted for a prize recognizing significant contributions.
Assisting a blind man living in a closet brings unexpected rewards.
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