Local and regional leaders inspire guest delegation during a brief stop in Cardenas.

Local and regional leaders inspire guest delegation during a brief stop in Cardenas.
The movie is a novel way of reaching people with God’s message, church leaders say.
AdventHealth exhibition attracts hundreds at International Pathfinder Camporee.
GC Secretariat team members gladly contribute to Adventist mission.
‘The church really has a voice in parliament,’ an Adventist leader said.
The humanitarian arm of the Seventh-day Adventist Church donated 6,200 backpacks.
Initiative honors the work and memory of Adventist pioneer Philip Reekie.
He achieves an extraordinary feat in the Philippines, regional church leaders said.
Deanna Payne knew that only a miracle could make her baby live.
Marcelo Cunha has been an artist and author for more than 30 years.
Forward in Faith will be released during Homecoming Weekend 2024.
Kevin Pride and John Willis have developed a friendship stronger than any circumstance.
In Kenya, a friendship results in a whole congregation’s conversion.
Initiative sought to support cultural preservation efforts, coordinators said.
Event takes place under the motto, “Create Leisure Time, Make Friends, Discover Faith.”
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