Cuba project helps churches connect with members, reach friends and neighbors.

Cuba project helps churches connect with members, reach friends and neighbors.
Deep Brain Stimulation at LLUH was the solution Javier Pena had needed for decades.
The project, fifth for the church, seeks to foster a greener and more sustainable future.
Pathfinders team up with leaders from another faith to combat food insecurity.
In southern Philippines, Adventist teams hope to provide education, training.
The new book is inspired by the concept of Ellen G. White’s The Great Controversy.
400 young people retreat to an idyllic setting of mountains, meadows and streams.
The films featured result from a strategy to engage creative young people in mission.
Richard Hart encourages Adventist health-care leaders in Africa to seek self-sustainability.
Leticia Moreno was recognized for her ongoing commitment and assistance.
Initiative will include home and telehealth visits to help mothers-to-be to quit.
Physical therapist Franklin Córdova helps elite athletes and shares his faith.
In northern Brazil, outreach to local residents often presents unexpected challenges, leaders said.
The Casablanca project is a model case of the initiative’s potential, leaders say.
STORMCo young people serve at various locations across that South Asian nation.
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