A new magazine published by the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the South American Division (SAD) region will attempt to introduce and explain the […]

A new magazine published by the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the South American Division (SAD) region will attempt to introduce and explain the […]
Station is the church’s first across the Sahel region.
In Papua New Guinea, church-supporting ministry reaches one more milestone.
Amazing Facts’ Doug Batchelor preached at a Kampala venue for nine days.
The mind behind the landmark Valuegenesis study was 75.
In an increasingly diverse Japan, Adventists move to reach people in every language.
Members across the nation and the world unite as they ask God to intervene.
Myron Iseminger says it’s a good time to return where front-line action is happening.
The Seventh-day Adventist Church across the Inter-American Division church region has begun preparing young people to become short-term missionaries through the One Year […]
Meetings to be offered in more than 160 venues across the nation.
In an effort to promote inclusion and equality, there is a trend towards stifling freedom of religion or belief, Michael Worker told a […]
Adventist World Radio is issuing a worldwide call for 800 short-term medical missionaries to volunteer at a mega medical clinic in the Philippines […]
Board votes new officers
A group of Seventh-day Adventist bikers was among the more than 20,000 who attended the 22nd National Bikers Gathering in Artur Nogueira, Sao […]
“Health for Every Day” broadcast is making waves in Tokyo and beyond.
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