Eric Davey baptized, supported education for aboriginals.

Eric Davey baptized, supported education for aboriginals.
In an era of overdue apologies and continuing challenges on race relations in various areas of Adventist life—particularly on college campuses—Andrews University Press […]
North American Adventist Church headquarters keeps reaching out to the community.
Adventist church leaders and members in Bangladesh organized a union-wide campaign to celebrate World Autism Day on April 2, 2018. Students and staff […]
A contingent of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) based in Burundi recently made a stop […]
In Adventist schools, tents have become makeshift classrooms.
Norwegian Torben Bergland will focus on mental health awareness, training.
Loma Linda University researcher shares groundbreaking results on resilience.
It is with great sadness that we have learned of a tragic “drive-by” shooting that has taken place outside our Seventh-day Adventist Church […]
Slain victims include the son of an Adventist member
Private Sector Organization vowed to fight employers’ discrimination.
Teamwork of pastors, lay members, and guest speakers leads to amazing results.
Church president in South America explains why Adventist buildings and mission intersect.
New station will focus on reaching Millennials and secular people.
The former increases the risk of heart disease; the latter reduces them, experts say.
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