In Australia, national media outlets interview Avondale’s Darren Morton.

In Australia, national media outlets interview Avondale’s Darren Morton.
Results from a worldwide survey were presented to the members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s General Conference (GC) Unity Oversight Committee on March […]
Adventist humanitarians in Iraqi camp support the most desperate causes.
Seventh-day Adventists in Trinidad are devastated by the loss of three of its members, who were victims of a violent knife attack last […]
Loma Linda University students, alumni partner in selfless initiative.
Global Youth Day 2018 a resounding success, say organizers.
It Is Written and local church members join hands to reach the community.
Trip aims to assist with grim post-Hurricane Maria reality
Adventist Development and Relief Agency Philippines offers needed supplies to Mayon-affected families
More than 250 attend specialized health seminar
In Southern Africa, ADRA helps provide meals for students during hunger crisis.
The CareOptions hub empowers families to invest in comprehensive care.
Adventist humanitarian agency and Adventist Aviation Services are on the ground.
European church regions offer joint family ministries training.
Adventists in Dominica share their fears, challenges, and hopes after Hurricane Maria.
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