Experts discuss benefits and challenges of plant-based diets along the life cycle.

Experts discuss benefits and challenges of plant-based diets along the life cycle.
When the country’s president asked, church members were happy to oblige.
Loma Linda Vegetarian Nutrition Congress opens with enlightening presentations.
Adventist Church’s humanitarian arm steps up in the wake of cyclone devastation.
Meetings have already taken place in 3 regions of the World Church, others have been scheduled.
In this age of the internet, churches are looking for ways to bring the gospel into homes via modern communication. At the Bishop […]
Church president praises the Adventist Mission-funded project as an example.
In southern US, churches are working toward color-blind congregations.
Annual science symposium features promising health and bio-medical research from around the world
Florida Hospital Waterman is the first to offer the latest advancement in its area.
Adam Grześkowiak, a pastor in Białystok, Poland, has been recognized for his contribution to biblical literature by the theological and philosophical website Orygenes+. In 2017, […]
A Bible for every student attending a Seventh-day Adventist school in the Pacific region is the impetus for a new edition of the […]
Ted N.C. Wilson makes a personal appeal during a visit to the president’s official residence.
Church leaders call members to get involved with “fewer stones and more grace.”
ADRA and the UN partner to provide empowerment, training.
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