Volume explores the impact of the Reformation on freedom of religion and belief.

Volume explores the impact of the Reformation on freedom of religion and belief.
Strategic planning, transformational evangelism, and Sabbath School among topics
North American Division president challenges Year-End Meeting attendees
Hundreds more are now taking Bible studies after evangelistic meetings.
School will work to reach two million Vietnamese living in the US.
President emphasizes mission-driven approach during Year-End Meeting Report
More than 600 guests, including government officials, attended the opening ceremony.
Athens church plant reaches out to Filipino community
Event highlights opportunities and challenges for church communicators.
Facility in Brussels, home to the European Union, will allow for better partnerships.
Documentary can be viewed in preparation for this week’s “Creation Sabbath.”
Passing of the bill acknowledges Adventist Church’s contribution to society.
Adventist Church’s president speaks at youth convocation in Germany.
Adventist university study confirms and adds to decades of research.
Evangelist and administrator Glen Samuels recognized for his religious contributions.
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