Experience at Southwestern Adventist University connects international participants.

Experience at Southwestern Adventist University connects international participants.
More than 2,655 young ones participated and learn how to impact their communities.
Move seeks to increase inclusion and communication for the deaf and hearing-impaired.
Initiative born in a dorm room is changing lives in underserved community.
Region hosts an advisory to listen to young people’s dreams and concerns.
Many request Bible studies after series seeks to focus on their spiritual needs.
Digital Discipleship event explores innovative use of technology for mission.
Jhosep Carrión is sharing the Bible with his friends in a Lima, Peru neighborhood.
How God’s Word is transforming lives in isolated villages of Papua New Guinea
Regional church leaders celebrate how God is working across the island.
The goal is to support the growing Adventist Indonesian community in the United States.
Yaya Serya’ from the Philippines has been a pillar of faith since she was baptized at 16.
The volume retells the lives of the most significant Seventh-day Adventist pioneers.
The agency said is working tirelessly to alleviate suffering and promote resilience.
Kiera Bridcutt, Adventist Record, and Adventist Review
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