Team effort helped show the love of Jesus in action, Adventist hospital leaders said.

Team effort helped show the love of Jesus in action, Adventist hospital leaders said.
They helped lay block and operated medical clinics in underserved communities.
Event highlights the potential of lifestyle medicine for community impact.
Agency is one of seven selected for closer cooperation with government aid entities.
Event draws 20,000 young people and leaders for training, outreach, and inspiration.
Ares Emergency Care Manikin is a game-changer at Adventist Health institution.
TV Novo Tempo–led event reaches two cities, connects with audience in the north.
Students in the challenge had to make decisions based on principles of business ethics.
Jurvensly Koots currently serves as the secretary of the Bonaire Mission.
Three lay pastors and elders in Papua New Guinea share their story.
Adventist hospital is one of the first in California to successfully implant the heart device.
It was created to reach people in North America but has grown to other world regions.
Adventist Church manages a home that shelters vulnerable children and adolescents.
AIM evangelism contact center for media ministries keeps growing.
Mission trip brings them to serve an orphanage and its surrounding community.
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