Film explores contribution of Adventism in the country and debunks myths about the church.

Film explores contribution of Adventism in the country and debunks myths about the church.
Initiative is seeking to support regional church efforts to increase its membership.
Abraham Schrock turned loss into blessing as he helped with church rebuilding.
‘I think a lot of those misconceptions that Adventists maybe aren’t mainstream Christians, I think they’re going to be challenged,’ said director and co-producer Kyle Portbury.
Organizers hope training extends capabilities of pastors and leaders to reach the community.
Lake Union religious liberty summit highlighted the activism of church pioneers.
Bjørn Ottesen replaces Thomas Müller, who became a school principal.
The Adventist Church mobilized to bring the book The Great Controversy to previously unreached people and places.
Flood waters swelled from April 5 to 9, displacing thousands of people in Orsk.
Special ministry for children was part of a major evangelistic initiative across the island.
Health-care provider is one of just 10 hospitals in the U.S. to receive this recognition.
Missionary volunteers from several countries came together to distribute GLOW tracts.
The center will be located at Asia-Pacific International University in Thailand.
The movie is the premier release from Hope Studios, based at Hope Channel International.
Described as “proactive” and “embracing,” it attempts to respond to current doctrinal challenges.
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