Ceremony was part of Gulf Field youth convention in United Arab Emirates.

Ceremony was part of Gulf Field youth convention in United Arab Emirates.
Initiative is spearheaded by the General Conference Treasury team and partners.
Maranatha is changing young lives in Zambia, one school building and dorm at a time.
Six Seventh-day Adventist workers are back after years of service overseas.
Solar panels will provide energy and substantial savings at its corporate headquarters.
How digital evangelism in the Philippines led a woman in Belgium to find Jesus.
Trisha Broy has participated in archeological digs for 25 years.
ADRA Europe sponsors initiatives that provide sustainable access to water.
Thousands of young people served others, donated blood, and promoted Christian values.
Charity seeks to empower vulnerable children through education in thirteen countries.
On Global Youth Day, youth step up to ‘Be the Sermon’ across several Caribbean islands.
North American Division ministry is poised to reach cities and rural communities.
A multidisciplinary team lived on a mission boat for 10 days to reach remote villages.
More than 40 ADRA volunteers helped clean up the coastline days after the catastrophe.
Record Wrap is a new podcast that brings the region’s main headlines to members.
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