Lay-led motorcycle group also attends national camporee to highlight ministry potential.

Lay-led motorcycle group also attends national camporee to highlight ministry potential.
How one volunteer’s willingness found her a place to serve in southern Kenya
Belém Adventist Hospital initiative instructs more than 30 eight-to-13-year-olds, leaders said.
Based on research, volume gives voices to vital ministry, its authors say.
Regional Seventh-day Adventist Church hosted the event for Christian ministries.
Agency commemorates Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day.
Karen Porter and her husband visited Adventist institutions, met with church leaders.
ADRA initiative seeks to serve vulnerable populations around Brazil’s capital city.
How an American Christian of Jewish ancestry is supporting a Muslim family in Gaza
A local church minister shares his challenges and joys as he serves during the war.
Weeklong event connects, inspires families at Southern Asia-Pacific Division headquarters.
When we create, we honor God’s image in us, young musician says.
Seventh-day Adventist author publishes book on Bible principles applied to basketball.
Outreach center found a simple but powerful way to connect and bring people to Jesus.
Sahmyook University initiative offers much more than language acquisition.
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