Adventist leader reflects on his life and on how to lead with curiosity.

Adventist leader reflects on his life and on how to lead with curiosity.
New facilities in the Philippines will cater to the community and church employees, they say.
La Sierra University undergrad lands US$20,000 student research award.
First-in-the-world procedure destroys tumors without damaging surrounding tissues.
AYC Australia’s annual event draws hundreds of young Adventists to Melbourne.
How a Brazilian teacher searching for purpose found it on the other side of the world
Administrators of Adventist University of Haiti (UNAH) in Carrefour, Port-au-Prince, Haiti, closed academic operations after a group of armed men entered the campus […]
For more than five decades, the restaurant has been a trusted community hub.
The story of a woman brought out of abuse illustrates the role of the agency.
Protecting children is not just a responsibility but also a divine calling, she says.
On February 11, the library will open its doors to visitors for an anniversary exhibition.
Event showcases a tapestry of faiths, dedicates time to pray for peace.
Edwin Hernández will replace Myrna Colón, who retires in June.
Initiative’s goal was to inspire Adventist youth to share their faith through creativity.
Ministry leaders are working to modernize and update the mission-driven initiative.
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