Adventist Community Services keeps looking for news ways to involve church members in serving others.

Adventist Community Services keeps looking for news ways to involve church members in serving others.
Church leaders and members are getting ready for major evangelistic initiative.
Initiative invites pastors, school principals to pray and fellowship online.
He served the church in a variety of roles, including Inter-American Division president.
ADRA is helping families to adapt and thrive after they resettle due to the ongoing war.
Programs are focused on cooking and healthy eating, nature, and worship of God.<<
In rural Cambodia, ADRA gave an illiterate mother the keys to succeed and thrive.
Most volunteers from the Tryon church had never flown or been outside the U.S.
New resource is designed to guide readers to make a conscious decision for Jesus.
The event is expected to draw 55,000 people in Gillette, Wyoming, U.S., August 5-11.
Leaders and members across the nation are gearing up for major evangelistic initiative.
Initiative is connecting members in their 20s for training, fellowship, and inspiration.
AdventHealth is supporting hospital team efforts to fight food insecurity in Mansfield.
Adventist Possibility Ministries event connected, inspired 93 hearing-impaired participants.
Loma Linda University researcher singled out alcohol as the most common substance.
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