Hello, friends. Have you ever been in a situation where you just weren’t sure what to do? Perhaps you had a very important […]

Hello, friends. Have you ever been in a situation where you just weren’t sure what to do? Perhaps you had a very important […]
Hello, friends! During the past two years, as the COVID pandemic has swept around the world, people have become more conscious of their […]
Greetings, friends! Have you ever had the experience of being out somewhere in nature—perhaps in the mountains, or desert, or some other out-of-the-way […]
Ted Wilson: Greetings, friends. From time to time in our weekly video messages, you have heard me talk about the three angels’ messages recorded […]
Have you ever been to a reunion–perhaps a family reunion, or a class reunion, or a church reunion? Reunions are great times to […]
Greetings, friends! I’m delighted to let you know that this Sabbath, September 18, is a very exciting event for thousands of young people […]
Ted Wilson: Greetings, friends. I hope you have had a wonderful week and have been especially blessed during this special Family Togetherness Week of […]
Ted Wilson: Hello, friends. Today, Nancy and I would like to invite you to participate in a very special event beginning Sunday, September 5. […]
Ted Wislon : Greetings, friends. Today we have a very serious and delicate topic to discuss with you, and I am glad that my […]
Hello, friends! Have you ever felt inadequate–that perhaps God is asking you to do more than you can do? I imagine the disciples […]
Greetings, friends. Today we are going to consider a very important topic–that of religious liberty and freedom of conscience, for you see religious […]
Hello, friends. Perhaps you’ve heard the saying, “Seeing is believing,” but can we really base our beliefs on what we see? For example, […]
President of the Seventh-day Adventist World Church, Ted N.C. Wilson and his wife Nancy reflect on the life of Daniel ahead of Children’s […]
Greetings, friends. Have you ever been in a storm where the wind is howling, the lightning flashing, and the thunder crashing? It can […]
Hello, friends. Today in our brief time together I would like to focus on the wonderful hope that we have in Jesus. As […]
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