Initiative sought to train, encourage a new generation of believers, leaders say.

As Cambodia lies within the 10/40 window, a region with some of the greatest challenges to gospel outreach, the task of sharing hope and healing in this country is immense. The church faces a significant opportunity and responsibility to bring the message of Jesus to this spiritually unreached area.
From September 18 to 21, the Cambodia Mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church (CAM) responded to this need by organizing a Children’s Evangelism Program in Oddar Meanchey Province, a region where the Adventist presence is still emerging.
The program sought to reach young hearts in a neighborhood where spiritual development is a top priority under the direction of CAM children’s ministries director Heng Sayorn and district pastor Porng Sothorn. Danita Caderma, children’s ministries director of the Southern Asia-Pacific Division (SSD) and the special guest speaker, brought a message of hope and inspiration to the children and their families, highlighting the importance of planting seeds of faith in this challenging mission field.
Throughout the series, Caderma engaged participants with Bible stories, promoting a deeper spiritual connection among the children. The evangelism campaign maintained consistent attendance, with 220 participants on the first and second nights, 150 on the third night, and approximately 300 attendees for the Saturday (Sabbath) morning service. CAM president Hang Dara delivered the Sabbath message to a diverse audience, with only around 60 percent being church members. Attendees traveled from various locations, including Otorng Commune, Cherkrom Village, Dey Thmey Village, Choungkal Commune, Kokplok Village, and Samraong Town, to take part in the event, demonstrating the widespread interest in the evangelistic initiative.
During the day, Caderma, along with the team, organized home visitations, offering prayers for families and distributing food to impoverished households. In addition, they conducted a children’s program at a local public primary school, where they promoted good hygiene practices and emphasized the value of education, along with respect for parents, teachers, and the broader community.
The event, which took three months of preparation in collaboration with Sothorn and his local team, concluded with 13 individuals making the decision for baptism. This significant spiritual milestone added great meaning to the program’s impact.
The Adventist Church in Cambodia expressed deep gratitude to the SSD for its unwavering support in making the Children’s Evangelism Program a success. CAM remains committed to supporting children’s ministries, recognizing that today’s young participants will play a crucial role in the future growth of the church.This story is based on the version posted on the Southern Asia-Pacific Division news site. The original article was published on the Cambodia Adventist Mission Facebook page.