Maranatha volunteers support construction, community outreach initiatives.

Maranatha volunteers support construction, community outreach initiatives.
Shocked pastor thanks God for closing the reptile’s mouth.
Symposium takes leaders on a trip to witness practical applications for returning tithe.
Evangelistic meetings are part of a multi-year strategic plan for the region, leaders said.
Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division administrators toured church facilities in Nassau, New Providence.
Maranatha is changing young lives in Zambia, one school building and dorm at a time.
Maranatha not only digs for water; it has also assembled teams to keep it flowing.
Health-care institution sheds light on the global challenge of clean energy access.
Supporting independent Adventist ministry is building churches, schools, and water wells.
Congress speakers emphasize essential role of Adventist women for the church.
Groundbreaking feat was part of the new Hearts for Mission International ministry.
New facilities will help fight the labor shortages in the area.
Initiative highlights the agency’s efforts to mitigate the consequences of climate change.
The message of the seventh-day Sabbath changed everything for this Sunday church.
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