Southern Asia-Pacific Division Camporee kicks off in the Philippines.

Southern Asia-Pacific Division Camporee kicks off in the Philippines.
Here, stories from Papua New Guinea, United States, Belgium, Brazil, and Indonesia.
Here, stories from Australia, Switzerland, Argentina, Germany, and the Philippines.
It will be the first Adventist institution of its kind in the Asia-Pacific region, they said.
Stories from the Philippines, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States, and Uruguay.
This edition features stories from Brazil, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Russia, and the United States.
This edition features stories from Indonesia, the U.S., Brazil, Australia, and Jamaica.
This edition features stories from Australia, Italy, Guinea-Bissau, the U.S., and Vietnam.
This edition features stories from New Zealand, Philippines, U.S., France, and Chile.
This edition features stories from Malaysia, Australia, Cambodia, Vanuatu, and Paraguay.
This edition features stories from Norway, Thailand, Germany, and other places around the world.
The Precious Hands Ensemble performed at several Adventist churches and schools.
Twenty years later, a first responder reminisces about the miracles he witnessed.
Facilities have become a haven of hope in the region, Adventist leaders say.
GC associate youth director Pako Mokgwane encourages Adventist students on secular campuses.
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