A rescue home provides safety and shelter for young women in need.
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Praising God in Uncertain Times
The call to rejoice in the Lord always makes sense when we understand praise as an act of faith.
Is It Time to Peel Some Potatoes?
Whose potatoes is God calling you to peel today?
A Thank-you Goat in a Thirsty Land
Maranatha is providing churches and drinking water to communities across Kenya.
A School, a Church, and a Water Well
Maranatha Volunteer International’s visits transform Kenyan village for the better.
After 15 Months, Burundi’s Adventist Leader Is Released from Prison
East-Central Africa Division releases official statement after Lameck Barashinga walks free.
‘At 60, for the First Time, I Have Drunk Clean Water From a Well’
Maranatha Volunteers International shares some of the blessings received in Kenya during 2020.
Hopes and Dreams for our church in 2021
We asked four young Adventists about their hopes and dreams for their church in 2021. Here are their answers.
Media Evangelism, a Newfound Success Across East-Central Africa
Series in five English-speaking countries results in thousands of baptisms.
Word, Fellowship, Table, and Prayer
The church as a worshipping community
Media Evangelism, a Newfound Success Across East-Central Africa
Series in five English-speaking countries results in thousands of baptisms.
In East-Central Africa, Church Leaders Thank God for Achievements
At year-end meetings, they say mercies and miracles have accompanied the mission across the region.
Learning Holy Living
The fruit of the Spirit is not human-made but God-given.
‘We Take Care of Them as Our Own’
In Kenya, a family-run orphanage is helping children with severe disabilities.
ADRA Supports Albinos’ Struggle Against Skin Cancer in Tanzania
The disease is the number-one killer of people with albinism