William Johnsson’s last hire says he was mostly about one thing.

William Johnsson’s last hire says he was mostly about one thing.
What can happen when the Bible is misread and people’s freedoms are abused
Are they really making a positive difference?
How do we make friends and influence people regarding who Seventh-day Adventists are and what they believe?
How is kindness a key principle of the gospel?
Colleagues and leaders remember his professionalism and kind, Christian demeanor.
A tragedy may raise questions about faith in God, and it may do much more.
The prolific author, respected scholar, and long-time editor died after an illness.
Ted Wilson takes eight-country trip to encourage members.
Visit to church’s headquarters serves to highlight religious freedom in Jordan.
One-year anniversary of conflict brings the agency’s presence to the forefront.
Created by Steve Creitz, the image points to the New Creation all of us are longing for.
The agency is stepping up emergency response efforts after devastating quake.
Are they appropriate for Adventists?
Prayer revitalizes a German church.
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