Biblical beliefs are fundamental.

Biblical beliefs are fundamental.
Today’s postmodernity veers away from the teachings of Jesus to the person of Jesus. But if one removes His teachings, what remains of Jesus’ person and ministry?
Otis was the first women’s ministries director of the General Conference of the Adventist Church.
It is the hope and prayer of this new executive editor to provide more Emmaus burning experiences through the printed page, both in individual issues and on the road ahead.
Achieving success in the church.
The five dynamics of leader growth.
Strengthened by the Lord
Hope in our seasons of burnout.
Do they apply worldwide?
Don’t let the noise of our troubled century drown out the angel song: “Unto us a child is born.”
The world knows the story, but how few know the Saviour.
“He came to His own, and those who were His own did not receive Him.’’
Three sumptuous gifts remind us of Jesus’ gift of Himself to us.
If we’d been allowed to choose the mother of this world’s Savior, who would we pick?
Bledi Leno is appointed to both positions, part of the GC Office of Adventist Mission.
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