Am I at risk?

Am I at risk?
“Keep me safe, my God, for in you I take refuge.” Psalm 16:1, NIV
Three Angels’ Messages initiative is showing ways to connect with urban residents.
No longer a hybrid meeting, church members are encouraged to attend in person.
Humanitarian agency ramps up aid to save thousands of families who risk starvation.
An experienced scholar, Timm will support theological research around the world.
Presentation at family conference highlights challenges, resources to help them thrive.
At a moment of unprecedented disruption in all things global, there is a natural sense of gratitude—and relief—that attends the record of the […]
Jesus Is Coming!
In the extravagance of her sacrifice Jesus saw the love of heaven poured out.
And as for you, brothers and sisters, never tire of doing what is good. 2 Thessalonians 3:13, NIV
For the first time in its history, Adventist Review Ministries offered daily commentaries and reports in six major world languages besides English during the GC Session. Here is one example from our French contributor.—Editors.
Once more, World Refugee Day brought their plight into the limelight.
What the 61st General Conference Session means to Adventists
Dozens of sociologists and culture researchers have documented the pent-up aggression that has followed the worldwide pandemic like an unwelcome summer heatwave. Federal […]
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