In our galaxy alone, there are about 100 billion stars. Beyond that, another 200 billion trillion.

In our galaxy alone, there are about 100 billion stars. Beyond that, another 200 billion trillion.
Are there any cardiac health benefits from alcohol?
Global partnerships across Adventist Church divisions help to achieve historic milestone.
Six-time champion Aguska Mnich shares the impact Christ has made in her life.
Q: What does the Bible say about the resurrected body of the righteous? The Bible shows elements of similarity and difference with our […]
How can Seventh-day Adventists approach the subject of sexuality in a compassionate, biblical, and practical way?
Two competing visions seem to be moving communicators forward. Can they coexist?
Adventist Review senior news correspondent is honored for faithful reporting to the world church.
The story of Christian mission in Malawi, Africa, is a story of receptivity and growth.
The divine design for sexuality organized under 10 major headings.
Statistical report shows baptismal numbers are up to pre-pandemic levels.
Summer event in Toronto, Canada, emphasizes the ministry’s distinctive role.
Renowned scientist discusses what led him to embrace Bible truths and modern science.
Adventist humanitarian arm has had General Consultative Status since 1997.
Adventist Church defends its stand as a way of preserving its mission and identity.
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