Greetings, friends! I’m delighted to let you know that this Sabbath, September 18, is a very exciting event for thousands of young people […]

Greetings, friends! I’m delighted to let you know that this Sabbath, September 18, is a very exciting event for thousands of young people […]
Ted Wilson: Greetings, friends. I hope you have had a wonderful week and have been especially blessed during this special Family Togetherness Week of […]
In Mauritania, ADRA is assisting people with solutions for permanent housing.
Ted Wilson: Hello, friends. Today, Nancy and I would like to invite you to participate in a very special event beginning Sunday, September 5. […]
Safeguarding Divine Truth
I prayed to know my real size—a speck of animated dust in uncounted galaxies ruled by the God who still loves me.
A Man of Prayer and Action
Why is it important in our diet?
Ted Wislon : Greetings, friends. Today we have a very serious and delicate topic to discuss with you, and I am glad that my […]
Greetings, friends. Recently, Nancy and I had the privilege of going on a very special mission to New York City. We were invited […]
He replaces interim president Karnik Doukmetzian.
Reports indicate several Adventist churches have been destroyed, Ted N. C. Wilson writes.
Hello, friends! Have you ever felt inadequate–that perhaps God is asking you to do more than you can do? I imagine the disciples […]
Playing right for the right reason
At ASi convention, General Conference president calls members to embrace and share God’s message.
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