Greetings, friends. Today we are going to consider a very important topic–that of religious liberty and freedom of conscience, for you see religious […]

Greetings, friends. Today we are going to consider a very important topic–that of religious liberty and freedom of conscience, for you see religious […]
They will fill positions in Auditing, Religious Liberty, and Chaplaincy, among others.
The kayakers used vacation time to bond and help the pandemic hunger relief campaign.
Hello, friends. Perhaps you’ve heard the saying, “Seeing is believing,” but can we really base our beliefs on what we see? For example, […]
International humanitarian agency scales up emergency operations in 21 countries.
President of the Seventh-day Adventist World Church, Ted N.C. Wilson and his wife Nancy reflect on the life of Daniel ahead of Children’s […]
ADRA initiative is providing income replacement know-how to 2,000 families.
Ted N. C. Wilson calls Adventists to pray, reach out to others, and stay faithful.
Ted N. C. Wilson calls Adventists on the island to keep praying and serving others.
Henry Fordham III and his wife, Sharon, die due to a house fire on July 18, 2021.
Greetings, friends. Have you ever been in a storm where the wind is howling, the lightning flashing, and the thunder crashing? It can […]
Previously unknown snapshot is part of a collection donated to Pacific Union College.
Hello, friends. Today in our brief time together I would like to focus on the wonderful hope that we have in Jesus. As […]
How Can We Learn to Love a Broken World?
God protects in amazing ways.
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