On this special day, ADRA reaffirms its commitment to education for all

On this special day, ADRA reaffirms its commitment to education for all
The Holy Bible is the best-selling book of all time, with an estimated total of 5 to 7 billion copies sold. In the […]
As the world observed International Youth Day on August 12, ADRA is proud to spotlight remarkable young people like Alejandro Flores from La […]
How our publications intersect with Christ’s method of reaching people
The movie is a novel way of reaching people with God’s message, church leaders say.
The humanitarian arm of the Seventh-day Adventist Church donated 6,200 backpacks.
Its profound effect on the body
Does the emphasis on revival in the church imply that the church is spiritually dead?
Balancing Faith, Communication, and Self-Care
God works in surprising ways.
A new children’s Sabbath School curriculum is coming!
They walk hand in hand.
Meetings drew attention to the potential of synergy and creativity in church ministry.
Thailand event celebrated 20 years of the Global Adventist Internet Network (GAiN).
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