I have heard the saying that “sitting is the new smoking.” Can this be true? In effect, yes! In recent years “sitting is […]

I have heard the saying that “sitting is the new smoking.” Can this be true? In effect, yes! In recent years “sitting is […]
What does the Bible say about how we should relate to our dead ancestors?
What does the Bible say about how we should relate to our dead ancestors? This is a major question in the field of […]
In Fan the Flame Stowell J. Moody describes a race during the ancient Greek Olympic Games. Other racers competed to finish first; in […]
Holding the torch of truth
Global Mission Issues Committee also discusses missionaries and Mission Refocus.
Seventh-day Adventist women from across the territory met to be commended and inspired.
This year’s theme, “Planet vs. Plastics,” highlights plastics recycled in sustainable development.
Jesus is coming soon!
‘I think a lot of those misconceptions that Adventists maybe aren’t mainstream Christians, I think they’re going to be challenged,’ said director and co-producer Kyle Portbury.
The center will be located at Asia-Pacific International University in Thailand.
The movie is the premier release from Hope Studios, based at Hope Channel International.
Described as “proactive” and “embracing,” it attempts to respond to current doctrinal challenges.
He replaces the late Maurice Valentine, who died unexpectedly in October 2023.
New leaders tapped for Health Ministries, Women’s Ministries, and Planned Giving
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