Leaders from diverse fields receive recognition for their contributions to the community.

Leaders from diverse fields receive recognition for their contributions to the community.
Seventh-day Adventist Church region renews commitment, announces funding for evangelism.
Retired officer from Andrews Memorial Hospital is honored during Heroes’ Day ceremony.
The IAD celebrated ‘Creation Sabbath’ as an integral part of Adventist faith.
Members collect food and clothing to support those who have lost their homes.
Initiative wraps up extensive mission and community outreach across the country.
Large ceremony becomes the first such event in the Central Haiti Conference.
Baptisms and wedding ceremonies are bringing inmates, relatives to God’s kingdom.
Event draws Deaf and Adventist leaders for reflection, training, and inspiration.
Donation supports more than 100 final-year students at Northern Caribbean University.
‘Taking care of the environment is a way of honoring God’s creation,’ leader says.
Hundreds pay respects to Lemec Jérémie, who was beloved by peers and members.
Event sought to promote exercise among those who minister across the Caribbean.
Anthony Kent calls on pastors and their spouses to pray, encourage, and show love.
Initiative seeks to benefit more than 3,000 across vulnerable communities in Panama.
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