In the southeastern region, Ted Wilson urges members to embrace the world church initiative.
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Adventist World Church Secretariat Takes Mission to the Field
Office staff team and family help to construct a church building in Dominica.
In Mexico, Thousands of Adventists Celebrate Small-Group Ministry
Group leaders are trained and encouraged for increasing church involvement.
Festival of Cross-Cultural Missions Gathers More than 600 Lay Leaders
Laypersons and leaders across Inter-America meet in Trinidad and Tobago.
Guyana Expatriates Celebrate 25 Years of Giving Back
At Linden, the Adventist group’s hometown, members recommit to service.
In Nicaragua, Adventist Church Continues to Offer Hope Despite Civil Unrest
Regional leader reassures members as they keep meeting, preaching under difficult circumstances.
Adventists in Jamaica Request Employers to Respect Workers’ Sabbath Rest
Appeal reminds business owners of the laws that protect freedom of worship.
In El Salvador, Young People Prepare to Connect With the Hearing Impaired
Leaders urge the youth to use their skills to benefit a neglected people group.
As Violence Increases, Adventists in the Dominican Republic Pray for Nation
Hundreds of members gathered in the nation’s capital to reflect, worship, and pray.
Adventist Church’s Partnerships Benefit Dozens of Families in El Salvador
Advent-Stiftung and national institute help people to become self-sufficient.
Inter-American Region Celebrates the Exceptional Leadership of Israel Leito
After record-holding tenure, division president’s retirement to be effective August 1.
Film Festival Promotes Sharing the Gospel Visually in Martinique
Event draws hundreds in a first for the French-speaking island nation.
Adventists Help Commemorate Colombia’s National Religious Freedom Day
Future peace can only be built on respect for human dignity, says Adventist advocate.
In Jamaica, Two Pastors Honored with Top Award for their Community Service
Their youth and health initiatives now recognized by top official in the country.
President of Trinidad and Tobago Visits Campus of Adventist University
The president of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, Her Excellency Paula-Mae Weekes, recently paid a courtesy visit to the University of the […]