In partnership with ADRA Brazil, they reached out to the Sol Nascente community.
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In Peru, 10,000 Young People Prepare to Volunteer Abroad
“Beyond the Mountain” camp draws thousands to train them for service.
Adventist Entrepreneur Teaches Young People His Craft to Prevent Migration
In northeast Brazilian town, the initiative is helping develop the local economy.
South American Campaign Promotes Violence Prevention and Seeks to End Abuse of Mothers
Division-wide initiative focuses on abuses during pregnancy and childbirth.
Students Collect More than 4,000 Milk Cartons to Cover Three Houses
Adventist school initiative in Brazil works in partnership to provide to people in need.
He’s Coming, a Film on Teen Cancer, Raises Awareness for Bone Marrow Donation
Initial showing was held at the recent Pathfinder camporee in southeast Brazil.
Brazilian Senate Committee Passes National Pathfinder Day
Bill recognizes relevance and social contribution of the organization.
Life-Size Tabernacle Replica Built as a Teaching Tool for Youths
More than 800 teenagers gathered for the display in Puno.
Rebranded Collegiate Project a Success in Peru
“Catalyst” is Maranatha Volunteers International’s new initiative for 18- to 28-year-olds.
ADRA and Peruvian Union University Partner to Support Soup Kitchens
Initiative is making an impact in Lima neighborhood.
Investiture of Pathfinder With Autism Highlights Possibility Ministries
In Brasilia, Brazil, Adrian Dias is recognized for his contributions as a leader.
ADRA and Peruvian Union University Partner to Support Soup Kitchens
Initiative is making an impact in Lima neighborhood.
Church Employees Spend Two Workdays Assisting Flood Victims
They distributed food and helped clean debris in affected areas in southern Brazil.
Initiative Fights Child Labor, Provides Safe Environment for Children
In northwest Brazil, a project zeroes in on protecting 10- to 14-year-old boys and girls.
Preaching the Gospel in Times of Artificial Intelligence
Adventist communicators event discusses how to make AI an ally to the Church’s mission.