Honorees receive a token of appreciation as a symbol of their willingness to do mission.

Honorees receive a token of appreciation as a symbol of their willingness to do mission.
Facilities at Yangon Adventist Seminary seek to foster reading.
‘Voice of Youth Victory’ reaches seekers across nine Asian countries.
They will be deployed abroad as part of the church’s Mission Refocus initiative.
Conference in the Philippines explores ways to use music in the digital space.
Initiatives seek to provide care to a growing segment of the church and population.
Organization seeks to connect Adventist lawyers and notaries across the region.
New media facilities seek to increase the footprint of the ministry across the nation.
First self-expanding aortic valve implantation highlights specialized services at Penang.
Church leaders highlight the organization’s story of resilience and its enduring legacy.
Hundreds of young people meet in search of a deeper connection with God’s Word.
Initiative sought to train, encourage a new generation of believers, leaders say.
Study tour inspires and educates leaders on the importance of Adventist history.
Communicators commit to expanding their evangelism efforts.
Attendees included pastoral and church worker couples in that church region.
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